Hands of Grace – Black Pottery Decorative Products for your pleasant and peaceful home.
Head on to your kitchen and look around you. You will find vessels of all shapes and sizes in various metals.

Sure, they look good but can they answer to all the important questions like whether they stand out or are they eco-friendly or how much chemicals they emit while cooking a dish and how does it affect the human life?
However, to your surprise and shock, Sangai Bazaar’s Black Pottery products advocate to all of the aforementioned questions.
Sangai Bazaar comes with a wide range of North East Pottery paying homage to the North East Crafts. The vessels made under the Black Pottery Decorative Products stay true to their name.
They are hand molded with Serpentinite Stone and Weathered Rocks. This traditional craft of Manipur is bio-degradable providing you with a chemical free cooking ware.
These vessels can be used without second thoughts since they do not emit any chemicals while you are preparing your aromatic dish.
Sangai Bazaar’s website online display s a brilliant spread of all sorts of Black Pottery Decorative Products allowing you to Buy Eco-Friendly Black Pottery Products with ease and relief.